Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tractor Seat Swings

Tractor Seat Swings

I found four used tractor seats on the curb.
I made these simple swings in just a few easy steps.

First I cleaned them, and then I used a drill with a 3/8" bit to drill two holes on each side of the seats.  I drilled the holes about seven inches apart. 

All finished drilling!

I purchased 1/4" x 100' of braided poly rope.

I fed the rope down from the top, under the seat, and back through the seat from the bottom.  At this time, adjust the rope to the desired seat length, and cut.  You will also need to burn the ends if you do not have a hot knife to cut with.  Finally I tied knots in the rope ends and hung them up.

1 comment:

  1. I love the tractor seat swings. Your steps are easy to follow. I know my babies would love this!
